The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies University of Minnesota


Feinstein, Stephen

The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies is a new academic endeavor supported by private foundation grants designed to assist in the development of Holocaust education around the State of Minnesota and areas in neighboring states that need such professional development. The initial stimulus for the creation of the Center is the extensive interest in the subject of the Holocaust on all levels of education. [...] However, the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies will focus on more than Nazi Germany's war against the Jews. It will also provide information and sources about more recent acts of genocide, which have taken place in the twentieth century. Utilizing resources of the University of Minnesota and other experts in local colleges, the Center hopes to create a body of expertise upon which you can draw that will deal with a range of questions related to genocide: The fate of Native Americans and the Plains Indians when it encountered Manifest Destiny; Black Slavery in the Americas; Armenian massacres in 1915; Stalin's genocidal program against the Ukrainians during the First Five Year Economic Plan, problems relating to medical ethics during the Holocaust; Gypsies (Roma and Sinti peoples), Poles and Slavic peoples, Jehovah's Witnesses, Homosexuals and other victims of the Nazis; mass murder after the partition of British India; Cambodia; Rwanda and Burundi, Bosnia and other parts of the former Yugoslavia as well as other areas where genocide has occurred. [self-description]
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, US (MN) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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